The FWF board

Our Board of Directors brings diverse expertise, experience, and skills that guide the Foundation's operations.

Pictured from left to right: Arthur, Fiona, Suzanne, David, Jessica, and Todd. (Absent: Geraldine)

As we work toward our vision of scarless healing, our goal is to continue translating our research across the three Ps—the physical, psychological, and physiological areas of recovery—to improve clinical outcomes, advance our technologies, and maintain our position as a global leader in burn care, research, and education. 

The Boards strategic pillars provide the framework for our future growth and impact, and they are supported by a dedicated research team, generous donors, and valuable community and corporate partners. The pillars include: 

  1. World Leading Research
  2. Impactful Education
  3. Advancing Care
  4. Financial Sustainability

We encourage you to learn more about our Board members below, who are committed to making a positive impact on the lives of burn patients and their families now and in the future. 

Picture of David Fyfe

David Fyfe

Chair, Fiona Wood Foundation

David was appointed Chairman of the Foundation in 2023. David has an Honours Degree in Engineering and post graduate qualifications in business. He is a Graduate of the Institute of Company Directors and a Member of the Institute of Engineers Australia. David holds a position on the board of Ability WA.

He is a survivor of the 2002 Bali bombings which claimed the lives of over 200 people including 88 Australians. David was treated by the staff at Royal Perth hospital under the leadership of Fiona Wood. He is passionate about the research the Foundation undertakes. He is a recipient of the “spray on skin” technology the Foundation developed and wants to assist the Foundation in furthering research to ensure a better quality of life for burns patients. David regularly presents as a keynote/motivational speaker at events throughout Western Australia. David was appointed to the Board in 2013.


Picture of Geraldine Erridge

Geraldine Erridge

Director Candid Business & Tax Advisors Pty Ltd

Geraldine is a Director at Candid Business & Tax Advisors Pty Ltd. She has a Bachelor of Commerce, Accounting Major and has been a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants since 1999. She has extensive experience in general taxation advice and self-managed superannuation funds as well as providing a number of services to high wealth individuals.

Geraldine was appointed to the Fiona Wood Foundation board in January 2014.

Picture of Jessica Ilich

Jessica Ilich

Legal Counsel at Telstra Corporation

Jessica is a lawyer, working as Legal Counsel (Dispute Resolution) at Telstra. She previously worked in private practice at top tier law firms in commercial litigation. She holds a Bachelor of Laws, a Bachelor of Science (Anatomy and Human Biology), and a Gradate Certificate in Business. Jessica has extensive experience providing strategic and commercial legal advice to a range of clients, predominately in the areas of contract, privacy, intellectual property, regulatory, and consumer disputes.   

Jessica was appointed to the Fiona Wood Foundation board in December 2022.

Picture of Todd Mairs

Todd Mairs

Partner at Sia Partners

Todd Mairs, a Partner at Sia Partners, a global consultancy, is renowned for his 25-year experience in management consulting across Europe, Asia, and America. Specialising in strategic planning and customer management, he has a strong background in Health and Aged Care, and non-profits. Formerly with Churchill Consulting, Todd was a Group Executive at St John of God Health Care and worked with Accenture in the UK. Todd recently retired from the Board of Bethanie Aged Care, and now Chairs an aged care technology start up.  Todd, a “40 under 40” award recipient from WA Business News, is a CPA Australia Fellow and a non-executive Director of a NFP building homes in Cambodia.

Todd was appointed to the Board in 2023.

Picture of Arthur Psaltis

Arthur Psaltis

State Director Western Australia & Northern Territory, Colliers

Although most of Arthur’s career has been with the one firm, his work life has been dynamic. After completing vacation work with Pritchard Francis, he joined as a graduate engineer. He later moved to a large international firm but returned three years later as an Associate Director in 1994. By 1996, he became a Director, Managing Director in 1998, and later CEO. In 2024, Pritchard Francis joined Colliers, strengthening its presence as a leading consulting practice in Western Australia. Now nationally recognised, Colliers Engineering & Design is one of Australia’s most highly regarded firms. Arthur has held numerous committee and board positions, both voluntary and paid, across industry organisations and private companies. He has mentored professionals at General Manager and Practice Manager levels, both independently and through structured mentoring programs.

Picture of Suzanne Rea

Suzanne Rea

Consultant Plastic Surgeon

Suzanne is a Consultant Plastic Surgeon at Fiona Stanley Hospital and Perth Childrens Hospital, with a specialist interest in burns surgery. 

Strongly involved with the Foundation’s scientific and burns related research, Suzanne’s primary goals for the Fiona Wood Foundation are to assist in growing the burns team, particularly in regard to the medical and surgical side of burn management and how the burn scars can be influenced. Suzanne has led the development and growth of laser treatment for burns scars at the adult and paediatric units. She is currently involved in a number of research projects specifically examining the role of laser in burns scars. She aims to see the Foundation evolve to be a world leader in holistic burn care, focussing on patient survival as well as quality of life post injury (both physical and psychological).

Suzanne was appointed to the Board in 2013.

Picture of Winthrop Professor Fiona Wood FRACS AO

Winthrop Professor Fiona Wood FRACS AO

Director of the Burns Service of Western Australia

Fiona has been a burns surgeon and researcher for the past 30 years and is Director of the Burns Service of Western Australia (BSWA). She is a Consultant Plastic Surgeon at Fiona Stanley Hospital and Perth Children’s Hospital, co-founder of the first skin cell laboratory in WA, Professor in the School of Surgery at The University of Western Australia, and co-founder of the Fiona Wood Foundation.

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