Why participate in research?Hear directly from Fiona on the profound impact your participation has on our research.
CHIP Study - Childhood Health and Immunity Post-burnThis study explores immune responses: Investigating how burns affect vaccination effectiveness in children.
The Einstein StudyThis study explores brain changes after burns: Understanding long-term brain impacts of burn injuries in children.
Platelet dysfunction and cardiovascular disease following paediatric burnsThis study explores heart health: Investigating cardiovascular changes after childhood burns. Help prevent long-term impacts.
Move to Improve ProgramThis study explores physical activity on well-being: 8-week movement program for kids post-burn.
COCO Kids StudyThis study explores skin healing: Comparing moisturisers' effectiveness in children's burn recovery.
Biobank StudyWe have established a paediatric biobank to answer complex questions on the long term impact of burn injury. Learn more here.
BRANZWe contribute data from the Burns Service of WA to the Burn Registry of Australia and New Zealand. Learn more here.