Albany BMP registrations are now open!

Join us for an expert-led, informative session at our upcoming workshop in Albany! Enhance your abilities in the critical first-response management of burns and learn from leading specialists in the field. 

This in-person professional development training is offered at no cost to clinicians, healthcare professionals, and community members who are likely to treat and manage burn injuries.

Registration and Course Information:

  • Course date: Thursday, 24th October 2024 
  • Application closing date: Thursday, 12th September 2024 
  • Workshop duration: Full-day session
  • Cost: Free 

Please note that catering is not included.

To register , please complete the online registeration form by clicking this link: Burn Management Program Albany Registration Form | 24.10.24 

We will confirm your session details once the application process closes on Thursday, 12th September 2024.

For any queries, please email us at

The regional Burn Management Program is endorsed by the Western Australia Burns Service and proudly co-funded by the Fiona Wood Foundation and our valued charity partners including the CBH Group. 


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