We are excited to announce that Clayton Utz is partnering with the Foundation and is being part of the Change. The Containers for Change is a terrific initiative that promotes positive recycling behaviours that helps the environment as well as supporting charities. It’s a win – win – win scenario for all involved.
Clayton Utz is taking leadership and creating a positive volunteering culture in their workplace by recycling eligible drink containers – with 10 cents being donated back to the Foundation. All staff are also encouraged to recycle at home and deposit the bags at various depots across the State.
We love this initiative and we are asking all our supporters to get on board and nominate us as their favourite charity for a period of time each year. It is something that everyone can do to support a great cause and importantly it also helps our environment. For initiatives like this to be sustainable – Containers for Change needs everyone to do their bit.
Thank you to Clayton Utz for taking this first important step and supporting burns research. We look forward to sharing your impact.
The Foundation’s Scheme ID is C10402626 – so if you haven’t already – get involved and be part of the Change. https://www.containersforchange.com.au/wa/
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