We are excited to share that Peter Jeffrey and Simon from GKA Investigations are taking on the HBF Run for a Reason – 12km Run and have selected the Fiona Wood Foundation as their charity partner!
Di recently touched base with Peter to learn more about their connection to burns, and he shared with us that his company work in the field of fire and explosion investigation.
"We work daily with people who have been devastated by fire in one way or another, and there are times this includes those who have suffered burns or with the family members of those who have died in or as a result of fire.
When it came to selecting a partner to raise money for, it seemed fitting to give our support to the Fiona Wood Foundation."
We want to thank Peter and Simon for believing in what we do and choosing us as their 'reason' to dust off their sneakers and raise funds to support our research efforts. Community fundraising events such as this are vital in helping us to continue to make a difference in the lives of burn patients and their families now and in the future.
If running isn’t for you, you can still help and donate to Peter and Simon please visit their Run for a Reason page by clicking here.
We look forward seeing them at the finish line!!!
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