Marmion Primary School recently hosted the inspiring Jack the Wagtail Physical Challenge, an annual event that supports the Fiona Wood Foundation (FWF) and commemorates the memory of Jack Dunn, a former student. Jack tragically lost his life following severe burn injuries, and this event, named for his resilience symbolised by the willy wagtail bird, continues to honour his legacy. The mantra for ‘Jack the Wagtail’ is – Be as tenacious as a Willy Wagtail.
This year's launch assembly was particularly impactful, with Glen Buck, closely connected to both the Dunn family and Marmion PS, shared the event's significant history and its contribution to improving the lives of burn patients through fundraising.Our post-doctoral researcher, Dr Lucy, also spoke about the vital role of burn research and the meaningful impact of student participation.
Left to right: Glen Buck and Dr. Lucy
On the event day, the grounds of Marmion Primary School were transformed into an obstacle course incorporating a variety of physical challenges like running, hurdles, climbing, swinging, and rope crawls, which tested the students' endurance. We were amazed by their resilience and the sportsmanship they displayed, encouraging each other throughout the event. We extend a special thanks to the wonderful parent volunteers who assisted at the stations!
After an fantastic speech about community spirit and the importance of staying healthy, the kids even succeeded in getting Dr Dale Edgar to participate in the obstacle course!
Our heartfelt appreciation goes to everyone at Marmion Primary School for their ongoing support and significant contribution to the FWF. We are excited to announce that their efforts have raised over $4000 that will directly support our research and educational initiatives. Special thanks to Principal Bill Boyan, the teachers, students, and the entire school community for another successful year of Jack the Wagtail. The school's embodiment of community spirit is admirable, and we value the opportunity to collaborate on such meaningful initiatives.
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