2022 has seen strong progress across a range of research projects, with great support from our patients and families for our biobank studies that will use the power of data to truly understand the impacts of burn injury on each person and how they can best be treated.
Two studies this year to highlight include a Phase 1 clinical trial of a new cream that may improve scars. The SOLARIA trial is being conducted at Fiona Stanley Hospital and has been recruiting people with established scars (over a year old) to take part in a study where they are given either the active drug or a placebo cream to put on their scars over a period of 3 months. The study is close to finishing recruiting now. It is a double blind study, so neither the team or the patients know until it is finished who received the drug and who received the placebo, so it will be exciting in 2023 to see if the scars have improved and if this is because of the drug. As the study is a phase I study the main aim though is to prove the treatment is safe, and this will enable us to conduct bigger and more detailed studies to understand how best to use the drug and get the most improvement in scarring.
We also received an equipment grant this year from the Perth Children’s Hospital Foundation (PCHF). This grant allowed us to buy a new 3D scanner that we can use to monitor changes in the scar. Being able to accurately measure scars and how they change will be critical to understanding the potential benefits of new treatments as they are developed, as well as helping our patients visualise the improvements over time. The scanner is currently being tested by the team and will be implemented to measure scars in more patients in 2023.
Tania McWilliams, Clinic Nurse Consultant, Perth Children’s Hospital
School of Nursing and Midwifery Research Medal, from Edith Cowan University Awarded to the research graduate who has completed the most outstanding research thesis; Tania's thesis that was recognised for this award is titled “The importance of telehealth in the implementation of best practice in paediatric burn management by non-burn specialist clinicians”
Nichola Foster PhD student
‘Best research oral presentation’ award under the ‘Research’ category at ANZBA. Title of talk: Investigating the molecular and cellular pathophysiology of Heterotopic Ossification after burn injury
Postdoctoral Researcher Dr Lucy Barret
Best ECR presentation at AWTRS speech “Understanding the impact of childhood burn injury on immunity and disease risk later in life”
WA Child Research Fund
Understanding the lifelong impact of pediatric burns on health in collaboration with Telethon Kids Institute - supporting Dr Lucy Barrett - 2023 to 2025

Pictured 3D Scanner
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