Burn Management Program

Burns Management Program: Empowering Rural Clinicians

In Western Australia, the initial assessment and management of burn patients typically occurs in local healthcare facilities by clinicians with varying levels of burn management knowledge and experience. This group includes emergency department clinicians, remote area nurses, and general practitioners. The quality of acute care these professionals provide is crucial, as it significantly influences patient outcomes.

Our Burns Management Program is dedicated to empowering and enhancing the capabilities of rural clinicians and health professionals through training based on the current best practice recommendations for treating paediatric and adult burn patients.

This multidisciplinary course is designed for nurses, doctors, paramedics, and other health professionals likely to encounter and manage burn injuries.

Albany BMP registrations are now open!

Join us for an expert-led, informative session at our upcoming workshop in Albany! Enhance your abilities in the critical first-response management of burns and learn from leading specialists in the field. 

This in-person professional development training is offered at no cost to clinicians, healthcare professionals, and community members who are likely to treat and manage burn injuries.

Registration and Course Information:

  • Course date: Thursday, 24th October 2024 
  • Application closing date: Thursday, 12th September 2024 
  • Workshop duration: Full-day session
  • Cost: Free 

Please note that catering is not included.

To register , please complete the online registeration form by clicking this link: Burn Management Program Albany Registration Form | 24.10.24 

We will confirm your session details once the application process closes on Thursday, 12th September 2024.

For any queries, please email us at info@fionawoodfoundation.org.au

Course Information Hub

  • Course Content:

    1.  Pre-transfer management and stabilisation
    2. Minor burn managed locally with Burns Telehealth support
    3. Surgical management of burns
    4. Post-discharge rehabilitation and wound management at regional centres
    5. Burns prevention and first aid
    6. Airway and inhalation injury
    7. Circulation and fluid resuscitation
    8. Burn wound assessment, management and dressings
    9. Chemical and electrical burns, major burns
    10. Burns scarring and scar management
    11. Pain and itch in burn patients
    12. Psychosocial aspects of burn care
  • Is the BPM Regional Sessions the same one that used to be offered by the Department of Health? Yes, the Fiona Wood Foundation is proud to ensure that this program can continue to be delivered in 2024.

    Do you provide catering at the BPM Regional Sessions? We do not offer catering at these sessions. Participants are encouraged to make their own arrangements to ensure their comfort throughout the day.

    Why is the BPM Regional Sessions free and who can attend?  The Fiona Wood Foundation is committed to supporting our regional communities. Through co-funding with our charity partners, we are able to offer these workshops at no cost. They are open to clinicians, healthcare professionals, and community members involved in managing burn injuries.

    I work in a high-risk industry and am interested in professional development. Do you offer fee-based training?  Yes, we provide specialised and tailored professional development training focused on enhancing skills and expert knowledge in burn prevention, first aid, and incident management. We encourage you to connect with us directly to discuss your specific training needs.

  • Have questions about our upcoming training sessions or interested in discussing future training possibilities? We're here to help! Email us at info@fionawoodfoundation.org.au 

  • Pilbara BMP Workshop

    We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the nurses, doctors, paramedics, and other health professionals who took part in the Regional Burns Management Program in Port Hedland.

    As part of our vision for scarless healing, we aim to facilitate in-person opportunities for regional healthcare professionals to connect with the Burns Service of WA. It was truly wonderful to engage with such a dedicated and passionate group, and we highly value the chance to support those working on the front lines in more remote areas.

    The Port Hedland session was made possible by our expert multidisciplinary burn service team, who took on the role of trainers for the day. A special thank you goes to Sharon, Helen, Alice, and Pippa, who started their day at 3:10 am to lead the training and returned home late that evening.

    This face-to-face training was free for participants and funded through the Fiona Wood Foundation and the 2023/2024 CBH Group Harvest Mass Management Scheme grant we received this year. We take pride in contributing to the professional development of healthcare providers in regional areas to deliver the best possible care to burn patients across Western Australia.


The BMP is endorsed by the WA Burns Service and proudly co-funded by the Fiona Wood Foundation and our valued charity partners.

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