Burn Prevention Education & Resources
The Foundation is dedicated to providing the community with essential prevention information and resources enhance awareness on the common causes of burns injury, prevention and first aid. Annually, thousands of individuals in Australia seek medical treatment for burn injuries.
Burns are a life-altering event.
They cause immediate and long-term traumas to mind and body and are arguably the most painful, unique and complex injury a human can suffer. For people severely affected by burns, their injuries can disrupt all aspects of their physical, emotional, and financial well-being, as many patients require prolonged and often recurrent periods of surgical, medical, and psychological rehabilitation that can continue for decades after their injury.
According to the Burn Registry of Australia and New Zealand, 94% of burn injuries in Australia were unintentional—most or all of these injuries are preventable.
The resources presented below offer a comprehensive insight into various types of burns, common causes of burn injuries, effective prevention strategies, and optimal burn first aid practices. They are designed to equip individuals with the necessary tools to safeguard their well-being, that of their loved ones, and the wider community.
Together, we can prevent scars that are worn for life.
Scald burn injuries
Scalds are a common and often preventable type of burn injury, typically occurring at home. Vulnerable groups such as young children, the elderly, and those with diminished sensitivity are especially at risk. These injuries often result from everyday activities like cooking or handling hot liquids. Another significant risk comes from excessively hot water from taps, which can quickly scald skin on contact.
Hot water taps are a frequent source of scald injuries. Despite the Plumbing Code of Australia mandating a maximum water temperature of 50°C in new or renovated homes, many existing properties have yet to implement these crucial safety measures.
Outdoor firepits
Backyard fire pits are popular additions to yards and entertaining spaces, but there are serious burn injury risks to consider.
If you plan to use a outdoor firepit, you must adopt appropriate fire safety practices that can reduce the risk of burn injury.
We want to share two incredible stories to raise awareness of fire pit burn injuries.
Dusty's Story: Living rurally, two-year-old Dusty fell into smoldering coals of a fire pit, severely burning her hands and forearms. "In just 60 seconds, our lives had changed forever," says Dusty's mom, Paige.
Read more about Dusty's story, her burns journey and how she is today by clicking here

Sarah's Story: At a gathering, Sarah mistook a heated iron frame for a bench and sustained severe burns to 18% of her body. On her 5-year "burniversary," she used the Japanese Kintsugi technique to highlight her scars, symbolizing strength and recovery.
Learn more about Sarah's story by clicking here.

Keeping warm safely
Burn injuries can occur during any month of the year. However, in colder winter temperatures, burns resulting from the use of warming devices within the home increase resulting in a rise of hospital admissions.
While keeping warm is a priority, keeping safe should go hand in hand. Always check for product recalls, follow safety instructions, and prioritize vigilance to prevent accidents.
Children are particularly at risk for burns from these products; keep them away from open flames and heaters, and ensure their sleepwear is snug-fitting.
WATCH: Hot Water Bottle Video from our friends at the Tasmanian Burns Unit
Burn First Aid
High-quality burns care starts with first aid immediately after a burn injury and is integral in reducing scarring, infections and the need for surgery.
According to data from the Burns Registry of Australia and New Zealand (BRANZ), in 2022/23:
- 55% of adults received gold standard first aid
- 73.2% of children received gold standard first aid
- 52.9% of Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
Burn cooling is critical in the initial first aid response to a burn injury. Applying cool running water to the
burn for 20 minutes within three hours of sustaining the injury reduces the area and depth of the burn.
Ben and Bella Story Books
We developed the Ben and Bella Storybook Series to support children in developing life skills to prevent burn injuries and respond if an accident occurs. Even at an early age, children are quite open and receptive to learning about safety and willing to share their new knowledge and skills with friends and family.
Each stand-alone book centres around the three most common causes of burn injury: scalds, contact and flame burns, and teaches children how to identify the causes of burn injury, prevention and simple burn first aid skills.
We have also developed associated teacher guides that align with the Western Australian Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines the Western Australian Curriculum (P-2) to support teachers in extending children's learning through activities, experiences and discussion points.
- The three-book series and teacher guides inc. post $50
- The three-book series inc. post $45
- A stand-alone book inc. post $25
To join Ben and Bella on their adventures click here.
Social media
We have linked below some education tiles and story panels that might help you share imporant burn awareness and first aid messages with your networks.
We have an active and vibrant community on Facebook and Instagram and we would love for you to join us!
Feel free to reach out at gabrielle@fionawoodfoundation.org.au to request social media tiles via email.
Social media tile downloads:

SM: Burn-First-aid_20-to-cool-is-the-burnsafe-rule
Information and post-injury information sheets
Helping children and teenagers to bounce back from burn injury can be a challenging process. A series of Fact Sheets that address specific areas of recovery and rehabilitation can be downloaded below.
So you’ve been in an accident - A booklet just for you.
Making a plan - Dealing with things that remind you of what happened.
What do I say? - Talking about what happened with others.
At the Hospital - Helping my child cope, what parents can do.
At the Hospital - Helping my teen cope.
After the Hospital - Helping my child cope, what parents can do.
After the Hospital - Getting back to a schedule.
Tattoo arm sleeves – A cosmetic modification to improve compliance with wearing pressure garments.
Additional information about the Foundation’s education and prevention stream of research can be found in the Research Hub.