The study is designed to evaluate and compare the effectiveness of different skin moisturisers after a burn wound has healed.
Parents are asked to gently massage the affected skin with an aqueous cream, sorbolene, to help prevent infection, maintain the skin's health, and improve itch and discomfort.
Recent research has pointed to the potential effectiveness of coconut oil formulated for clinical trial as an alternative to sorbolene. Our research team is looking to better understand this possibility and analyse its potential effectiveness.
By comparing a traditional treatment of sorbolene cream with coconut oil, the study may provide evidence that can contribute to improving burn management treatments, which could lead to improved outcomes in terms of healing, scarring, comfort, and overall patient well-being.
The CocoKids Study is a collaborative initiative by the Fiona Wood Foundation, Telethon Kids Institute, Murdoch University and Perth Children's Hospital. This study aims to enhance the treatment of burn injuries in children by comparing the efficacy of sorbolene cream, the standard treatment, with a coconut oil formulated for clinical trial, after healing.
We are on the lookout for children who are currently in the healing process to join the study. The participants will be divided into two groups via computer randomisation:
- One group will receive sorbolene cream.
- The other group will be treated with a coconut oil formulated for clinical trial.
Duration: 12 weeks of treatment.
Treatment: You'll receive either sorbolene or coconut oil formulated for clinical trial, assigned randomly by computer. Participants must be willing to accept the allocated treatment.
Feedback: A brief daily diary is completed to assess levels of itch and discomfort because both can be present after the burn, and we want to know which treatment helps more.
Extra Visits: Two additional appointments at the burn outpatient clinic (Clinic J) for simple skin swabs.
All research in Australia involving humans is reviewed by an independent group of people called a Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC). The ethical aspects of this research project have been approved by the HREC of the Child and Adolescent Health Service (RGS6700). This project will be carried out according to the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2023). This statement has been developed to protect the interests of people who agree to participate in human research studies
Approved by Child and Adolescent Health Service ethics committee RGS number: RGS0000003254