Research, grants and fellowships

Our Research Grants & Fellowships opportunities

  • The Cynthia Banham Burn Injury Research Fellowship is a joint initiative between the Fiona Wood Foundation, The Ian Potter Foundation and Cynthia Banham to support clinical research by an early-career researcher under the guidance of renowned burns specialist Dr Fiona Wood at Fiona Stanley Hospital.

    Cynthia Banham, the Sydney Morning Herald’s foreign affairs and defence journalist, was critically injured in the Yogyakarta air disaster in March 2007 when she was part of a delegation travelling with the then Foreign Minister, the Hon Alexander Downer MP. 

    The 20246 Cynthia Banham Burn Injury Fellowship is closed.

  • To find out more about our higher learning opportunities, please contact:

    Mark Fear


  • Expression of interest for grants to attend EMSB

    “The Emergency Management of Severe Burns course teaches how to recognise, assess, stabilise and transfer the severely burnt patient.” (ZBA website)

    The course is for health clinicians who work in the specialty of burns or who may find themselves providing initial management to a person with an acute severe burn. 

    The information is taught in five separate and complimentary sections:

    1. Course Manual
    2. Formal Lectures
    3. Skill Stations
    4. Interactive Discussion Groups
    5. Simulated Burn Cases
    6. Examination and Clinical Test- 50 question (MCQ) and simulated patient clinical scenario

    The course is centred on learning and achievement, delivered by burns anaesthetic and ED consultants with senior burns nurses facilitating the learning. A course manual will be distributed approximately three weeks before the course. The course manual is essential pre-course reading.

    For more information |

    If you would like to attend this course and be considered to receive a grant, please provide your expression of interest to Diane Lim at by 13 August 2021. You should explain, in writing with no more than 300 words why you should receive the funding, including prior learning, place of work, other courses attended. There will be up to three grants awarded at any one time, with applicants from regional and remote areas to be allocated a minimum of one grant.

    These education grants are proudly supported by the CBH Group through the Harvest Mass Management System (HMMS). For more information about CBH Group please visit |

    Expressions of Interest EMSB Grant

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