Research affiliations

Research affiliation organisations

  • Australia and New Zealand Burns Assocation (ANZBA) is a not-for-profit organisation and the peak body for health professionals responsible for the care of the burn injured in Australia and New Zealand. ANZBA is dedicated to improving the lives of those affected by burn injury by encouraging higher standards of patient care through education, performance monitoring, and research. 

    Website |

  • Burn Injury Research Unit (BIRU) establshed by Fiona and is located at UWA. This basic science research program is supported by the Foundation.

    Website |

  • The Burn Injury Research Node is a joint venture between UNDA and the Foundation and is located within UNDA's School of Physiotherapy and supported by the Institute of Health Research. This collaboration promotes:

    • the establishment of a new series of postgraduate courses focusing on burns and other traumatic injuries
    • a contribution to, and increase in, the capacity in teaching programmes at the University
    • and develops novel research in the area of burn injury.  

    Please view the poster for information on the postgraduate course - Masters of Burn and Trauma Rehabilitation. 

    Contact | For more information please contact Dr Dale Edgar at

    Website |

  • The Burns Service of Western Australia is based at Fiona Stanley Hospital and Perth Children's Hospital and services the whole State of WA. In addition to hospital based in-patient and outpatient treatment, the BSWA provides advisory services and education to rural communities through its unique telehealth program. In conjunction with the Department of Health, the BSWA educates health practitioners on Disaster Preparedness Management. 

    The research supported by the Fiona Wood Foundation enables the burns care teams at the BSWA to be global leaders in service excellence supported by evidence and driven by research.

    Professor Fiona Wood has been the Director of BSWA since 1991.


  • Mobile Image Communication Exchange (MICE) is a CSIRO and South Metropolitan Health Service (SMHS) made and owned mobile application that allows clinicians to send each other patient wound and scar photos to aid with clinical communication, decisions and treatment. MICE has been used in the Fiona Stanley Hospital Burns Early Discharge Programme, a service that allows patients to be discharged and receive ongoing care in the comfort of their own homes.

    Wesbite | 

  • The Kids Research Institue Australia and the burns research team collaborate closely to look at different aspects of the impact of burn injury on children. This includes working with their immunology, cancer biology and systems biology teams to understand the lifetime effects of acute burn injury on their health.

    Website |  

  • International Society for Burn Injuries  (ISBI) is a global organisation with a core aim of disseminating knowledge and stimulating prevention in the field of burns. The ISBI holds conferences, awards professorial grants, assists in education support, and collaborates with the World Health Organisation. Fiona Wood Foundation researchers are frequent presenters at ISBI conferences.

    Website |

  • Three major hospitals in the Perth metropolitan area offer a state-wide multidisciplinary acute, rehabilitative and reconstructive burn service. 


    Fiona Stanley Hospital |

    Perth Children’s Hospital |

    Royal Perth Hospital |

  • The Australasian Wound and Tissue Repair Society, is a not-for-profit making organisation founded in 2007, believes that promoting the knowledge and interchange between scientists, healthcare professionals, industry and other individuals that have an interest in wound healing and tissue repair will lead to improved wound outcomes.

    The Society provides a forum for interaction among scientists, physicians, licensed practitioners, allied health, and industrial representatives. Membership to the Society is open to any individual who has demonstrated an interest in the field of wound healing and tissue repair.


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